Location: Suhl, Germany
Christoph Funk began his gun business before 1900. The vast majority of long guns were the best quality. Some collectors believe that J.P. Sauer built receivers for Funk, but this is not known for certain. Funk produced shotguns, shotgun-rifle combinations and double rifles. Some were exported to England and U.S. Most of U.S. imports are in the more common North American calibers, such as .300 Savage, 30-30, 32-20 Winchester and 12- or 16-gauge. Most are found with only a right-hand extension arm, which locks into the receiver, but some higher grades have both extension arms. Quality of these guns is extremely high. Guns were probably not made after 1940. Quality of engraving and caliber determines value. American calibers will command a higher price. Prices listed are for American calibers.
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