Lagrese Revolver

Photo courtesy of NRA Museums
Previous editions listed the Lagrese as a “Large ornate revolver chambered for .43 rimfire cartridge. Has 6.25" barrel, 6-shot fluted cylinder, no topstrap, frame as well as grip straps are cast in one piece, with barrel screwed into frame. It is loaded through a gate and has double-action lock work. Outstanding feature about this well-made revolver is its extremely ornate appearance. There are more sweeps and curves than could be imagined. In general outline somewhat resembles the leMat, though with a single barrel. Engraved and blued, with well-figured curved walnut grips. Marked "Lagrese Bte a Paris". Manufactured in late 1860s.” Little information is available on this model. A few references suggest that it is identical to a model in the NRA Museums identified as a Pidault & Cordier revolver chambered for the unique 12mm Perrin cartridge, ca. 1860s. No recent sales known. Additional information would be appreciated, contact editor. Value too rare to estimate.