Location: Brescia, Italy
Davide Pedersoli & Co. was founded in 1957 by the late Davide Pedersoli. In nearly half-century since, Pedersoli has established itself as a manufacturer of extremely high-quality replica and modern firearms. Pedersoli products are frequently marked with importer's or retailer's name (e.g., Dixie Gun Works or Cabela's) rather than Pedersoli brand, usually at widely varying discounts. Many muzzle-loading rifles and pistols are available in kit form at reduced prices. NOTE: Rapidly-fluctuating currency markets can result in values for newly-imported Pedersoli guns being 10-15 percent higher than values listed below.
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Mang In Graz Pistol📷
Kuchenreuter Pistol📷
Mortimer Pistol📷
LePage Dueller📷
Charles Moore Dueling Pistol📷
Carleton Underhammer Pistol📷
Remington Pattern Target Revolver📷
Rogers & Spencer Target Percussion Target Revolver📷
Kentucky Pistol📷
Bounty PistolNavy Moll Pistol📷
Harper's Ferry PistolQueen Anne Pistol📷
An IX PistolAn XIII Pistol📷
Remington Rider Derringer📷
Derringer Liegi📷
Zimmer Pistol📷
Saloon Pistol📷
Swivel-Breech Rifle📷
Swiss Match RifleWurttemberg Mauser (1857 Württembergischen)📷
Gibbs Rifle📷
Mortimer Standard Rifle📷
Indian Trade Musket📷
Frontier RifleAlamo Rifle📷
Country Hunter📷
Jäger Hunter Rifle📷
Leger 1763 Charleville Musket📷
Revolutionnaire 1777 Musket📷
Corrige An IXAn IX Dragoon Musket📷
Austrian 1798 Flintlock Musket📷
Prussian 1809 Flintlock Musket📷
Brown Bess Flintlock Musket📷
Springfield 1795 Musket📷
Harper's Ferry 1816 Musket📷
Rocky Mountain Hawken📷
Springfield 1861 Rifle📷
Kodiak Combination GunKodiak Express MK VI📷
Rolling Block Rifle📷
1859 Sharps Cavalry Carbine1862 Robinson Confederate Sharps📷
Sharps 1863 Sporting Rifle1874 Sharps📷
Kodiak Mark IV Express Rifle📷
Pedersoli Lightning Rifle📷
Bristlen a Morges Standard Rifle📷
Waadtlander Target RifleTryon Rifle📷
Kentucky Rifle📷
CubModel 86/71 Boarbuster📷
Model 86/71 Boarbuster📷
1873 Trapdoor Springfield📷
Side By Side Shotgun Standard📷
Coach ShotgunMortimer Shotgun Standard📷
Brutus 94Brutus OvationRolling Block Percussion Rifle📷