Location: Flagstaff, Arizona
Company offers complete guns as listed below. It also offers custom options built on customer guns as well. An extensive number of custom options is available on any of these models. Prices listed below reflect the standard for that particular model. Retail prices only are listed below due to lack of active secondary market for these limited edition guns. Reeder is a custom manufacturer, or re-stylist, working primarily with Ruger frames. Previous editions included listings of about 43 examples of various Reeder custom guns, some with pictures. These can still be found on the Standard Catalog of Firearms website Since many of Reeder's guns are made to custom specs, their value is largely a matter of finding the right buyer. In general, previous listings suggested that Reeder guns built in standard calibers on Ruger frames may sell for in the 1200 to 1500 range when NIB, and 1000 to 1300 when Exc. A few models in extra-large caliber models such as .500 S&W or .500 Maximum listed at double to triple those values.
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