Custom Carry

The basic Custom Shop 1911. Previously, it may be encountered chambered for the following cartridges: .45 ACP, 9mm Parabellum, .38 Super, 10mm, .40 S&W, 9mmx21. Currently in .45 ACP only. Fitted with Novak low profile 3-dot sights, speed trigger, match barrel and bushing, extended thumb safety, beveled magazine well, Commander hammer, polished feed ramp and throated barrel, tuned extractor, lowered and flared ejection port, fitted slide to frame, full-length spring guide rod and cocobolo grips. Supplied with two magazines and plastic carrying case. Note: Add $1,000 for Ultimate Carry in 9mm or .45; Add $1,100 for compact carry in 9mm or .45.
Very Good$0000