Location: Radford, Virginia
This manufacturer of AR-style rifles and carbines is probably best known for developing the .50 Beowulf and 6.5 Grendel cartridges. In addition to those chamberings, rifles have been made in 5.56 NATO, .300 AAC, .338 Lapua Magnum and .17 HMR in most standard AR models and variations. Barrels are 16", 18", 20" or 24". Models are available for consumer, law enforcement and military markets. Depending on the specific model, features include forged flattop receiver with Picatinny rail, button-rifled stainless steel barrels, composite free-floating hand guard, A2 flash hider, M4 collapsible stock, gas piston operating system. Listed below is a sampling of the company's many recent and current models.
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