Conversion Units .22-.45, .45-.22
In 1938, Colt released a .22-caliber conversion unit. With this kit, one who already owned a "Government Model" could simply switch the top half and fire inexpensive .22 rimfire ammunition. Unit consists of a slide marked "Service Model Ace" barrel, with floating chamber, ejector, slide lock, bushing, recoil spring, 10-shot magazine and box. Conversion Units feature the Stevens adjustable rear sight. Later that same year a kit to convert Service Model Ace to .45 ACP was offered. In 1942 production of these units ceased. The .22 kit was re-introduced in 1947; .45 kit was not brought back. Be alert, as sometimes a conversion unit is found on a Service Model ACE receiver and a Service model Ace upper is sold as a "Conversion Unit". Conversion Units are ALWAYS marked "Conversion Unit". "Service Model ACE" pistols lack the "Conversion Unit" marking. NOTE: Finish 99-100 percent add 20-30 percent. Deduct 20 percent if box is missing.
Pre-war and Post-war "U" numbered Service Model Ace Conversion Unit, .22-.45 (to convert .45 cal. to .22 cal.)

Pre-war conversion units were serial numbered U1-U2000.

Courtesy Karl Karash
NIB | Exc | V.G. | Good | Fair | Poor |
$0000 | $0000 | $0000 | $0000 | $0000 | $0000 |
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Post-war Conversion Units
These were serial numbered U2001-U2670.
NIB | Exc | V.G. | Good | Fair | Poor |
$0000 | $0000 | $0000 | $0000 | $0000 | $0000 |
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Pre-war Service Model Ace (Re-) Conversion Unit, .45-22
To convert SMA .22 Cal. to .45 Cal. SN 1-SN 112. Watch out for fakes.
NIB | Exc | V.G. | Good | Fair | Poor |
$0000 | $0000 | $0000 | $0000 | $0000 | $0000 |
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Post-war .22 Conversion Unit Unnumbered
30 percent premium for Stevens adjustable sights, 1946 only.
NIB | Exc | V.G. | Good | Fair | Poor |
$0000 | $0000 | $0000 | $0000 | $0000 | $0000 |
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