Model 1849 Pocket Revolver

Courtesy Rock Island Auction Company
A small 5- or 6-shot .31-caliber percussion revolver. An octagonal barrel of 3", 4", 5" or 6" in length. Most had loading gates, but some did not. Frame, hammer and loading lever are case colored; cylinder and barrel are blued. Grip frame and round trigger guard are made of brass and are silver plated. Both large and small trigger guard variations noted. Most plentiful of all Colt percussion revolvers, with approximately 325,000 manufactured over a 23-year period, 1850-1873. There are over 200 variations of this model and one should consult an expert for individual appraisals. There are many fine publications specializing in the field of Colt percussion revolvers that would be helpful in identification of the variations. Values represented here are for standard model. Examples of variations include: slight premium for 6" barrel; slight premium for crowned muzzle; US martial marked worth 4X to 5X standard value; original 3" barrel (incorrectly called "Wells Fargo Model") worth double.
Very Good$0000