New Frontier (1961-1975)

New Frontier is readily identified by its flattop frame and adjustable sight. Has a high front sight. Colt manufactured approximately 4,200 of them. Chambered for .357 Magnum, .45 Colt, .44 Special (255 produced) and rarely (only 49 produced) in .38 Special. A few were chambered for .44-40 cartridge. The 7.5" barrel length is by far the most common, but 4.75" and 5.5" barrels are also offered. Standard finish is case colored and blued. Nickel-plating and full blue are offered, but are rarely encountered. Standard grips are walnut. Barrel stamped on left side "Colt New Frontier S.A.A.". Serial number has "NF" suffix. NOTE: Add 25 percent for 4.75" barrel; 20 percent for 5.5" barrel; 50 percent for full blue and .38 Special; 30 percent for .44 Special and .44-40.
Very Good$0000