Model PPK

Courtesy James Rankin

Semi-automatic pistol in .22-, .25-, .32- and .380-caliber. Introduced six months after Model PP in 1929. A more compact version of Model PP, with one less round in magazine. One-piece wrap-around checkered plastic grips in brown, black and white. Walther banner on each side of grips. Model PPK will be found with same types of finishes as Model PP, as well as same styles of engraving. Grips in wood or ivory are seen with some of the engraved models. As with Model PP, there are many variations of Model PPK and numerous NSDAP markings seen on pre-1946 models that were produced during the Nazi regime. All reflect various prices.
Similar Models:
Model PPK.22 Caliber, Late War, Black GripsModel PPK
.22 Caliber
Model PPK.25 Caliber
Model PPK.32 Caliber, Allemagne MarkedModel PPK
.32 Caliber, Czechoslovakian ContractModel PPK
.32 Caliber, DRP MarkedModel PPK
.32 Caliber, High Polished Finish
Model PPK.32 Caliber, in Blue Finish and Full Coverage EngravingModel PPK
.32 Caliber, in Gold Finish and Full Coverage Engraving
Model PPK.32 Caliber, in Silver Finish and Full Coverage EngravingModel PPK
.32 Caliber, Marked Mod. PP on SlideModel PPK
.32 Caliber, Milled Finish
Model PPK.32 Caliber, Party Leader Grips, BlackModel PPK
.32 Caliber, Party Leader Grips, BrownModel PPK
.32 Caliber, PDM Marked with Duraluminum Frame and Bottom Magazine ReleaseModel PPK
.32 Caliber, Police Eagle/C Proofed, High Polished FinishModel PPK
.32 Caliber, Police Eagle/C Proofed. Milled FinishModel PPK
.32 Caliber, Police Eagle/F Proofed, Duraluminum Frame, Milled FinishModel PPK
.32 Caliber, RFV MarkedModel PPK
.32 Caliber, RZM MarkedModel PPK
.32 Caliber, Statens VattenfallsverkModel PPK
.32 Caliber, with Duraluminum FrameModel PPK
.32 Caliber, with Panagraphed SlideModel PPK
.32 Caliber, with Verchromt FinishModel PPK
.32 Caliber, with Waffenampt Proofs and a High Polished FinishModel PPK
.32 Caliber, with Waffenampt Proofs and a Milled FinishModel PPK
.380 Caliber
Model PPK📷